Here is the guid for hexo
what is hexo
hexo is a fast,simple and powerful blog framework
how to install hexo
- prerequest
Node.js (at least 8.10, recommends 10.0)
- steps
npm install hexo-cli -g
hexo init blog
cd blog
npm install
hexo server
basic usage
- init
hexo init [folder]
- new
hexo new [layout] titlename
- generate
hexo generate
- publish
hexo publish [layout] filename
publish a draft
- server
hexo server
starts a local server. By default, this is at http://localhost:4000/
- deploy
hexo deploy
hexo clean
- list
hexo list
- version
hexo version
how to add picture for blog
- in file _config.yml ,set post_asset_folder to true
- in hexo’s fold, run this command:
npm install hexo-asset-image --save
- when we create new blog, there will be a new blog’s fold,
this fold is used to save the blog file’s picture